Monday, August 10, 2009


Tomorrow, I have a Business Studies test, and am in no mood whatsoever to study. To quote some awesome person who wrote this: "At some point in most people's lives, there comes a time when you feel that an exam you are about to sit is going to be an absolute disaster." I do feel that right now, and thus, to make myself feel better (and you if you feel the same):

Sexist, but funny.

And you thought Pythagoras' was hard...

Making math easier.

"Or some shit like that" = great conclusion.

It's...well...a theory...

Innovation. Enough said.

You asked for a description!

This shows the student has a good command over the English language.

Common sense.

Haha. Good guess!

Someone been watching one too many movies...

Algebra hangman

And someone was hungry as well.

This is called 'taking a calculated risk'.


Does that make sense? Hell yeah...

Wish math was really this easy.

How to deal with getting extra marks...

Simplicity at it's height.

" 'Course its going to be good. Nice spicy story...a couple of naughty priests in the thirteenth something who were responsible for half the village babies, at least three vicars with a nice little sidelinein smuggling, a highwayman who turns out to be the churchwarden and a couple of ghosts thrown in for good measure. You should come" ~ Gerry Heffernan [of Wesley Petrson series by Kate Ellis](about an educational history evening)

Ugh! Couldn't help it! Had to put in a book quote!

*NOTE: I actually wrote this 2 days ago, but the test was bloody sh*t eitherways...

Friday, August 7, 2009

You know you're obsessed with McFLY when...

I can agree with so many HAHA!

You know your obsessed with McFLY when...

- You feel like you're cheating if you go one day without doing something McFLY related.
- You and your friends have McFLY nicknames.
- Your room is covered with McFLY posters.
- You have all their CD's.
- You've watched every McFLY video on Youtube, more then once.
- You've studied their lives and know everything about them.
- You've studied their families and know everything about them too.
- You come online, and the first thing you do is look up McFLY News.
- You have withdrawals if you miss a day of McFLY News.
- You quote them more then once a day.
- Your friends get annoyed with how much you talk about them.
- Every other sentence you say is about them.
- You've stayed up all night long watching their videos.
- You try to convert your friends to like McFLY.
- You here someone humming and you automatically think it's a McFLY song.
- The name Jeffery makes you laugh.
- The name Richard makes you laugh.
- You go through withdrawal when you aren't doing something McFLYish.
- You have/want a lizard.
- Your friends are sick of you talking about McFLY.
- "I want some food" makes you laugh.
- You know that Tom is the smart one, Danny is the hyper and not so smart one, Dougie is the weird one, and Harry is the posh one.
- You've seen Just My Luck more times than anyone should see a movie.
- Aviator sunglasses have a new meaning to you.
- You want to be in "Danny's Disco".
- You have made friends with people from other countries who love McFLY.
- You know that Danny will NEVER go solo.
- You spend your time at school/work writing Mrs. Tom Fletcher, Mrs. Danny Jones, Mrs. Dougie Poynter, or Mrs. Harry Judd.
- You check McFLY Official and McFLY's myspace more than twice a day.
- You get depressed when you see McFLY with other girls.
- You hate Daniel Radcliffe- If anyone shit talks McFLY, you get extremely pissed
- You know that the boys would rather be in a hot tub with two drunk men then be at a party with Jude Law.
- You are happy that Charlie beat Tom for Busted because if he didnt, then there would be no McFLY.
- You love Tom Fletcher's one dimple.
- You want to go to Uganda.
- You think Dougie makes a pretty girl.
- You like Blink 182 and the Who and Bruce Springsteen.
- You write their names on practically everything.
- The Song 'I Feel Good' makes you laugh every time.
- You want two gerbils named Bruce and Travis.
- You know which schools they went to when they were younger.
- You can relate EVERYTHING to McFLY somehow.
- Whenever you eat broccoli, you have to sing the song.
- In conversations, where someone says a word related to one of their songs, you bust out singing.
- You and your friends have random conversations with the song titles.
- You now hate Lindsay Lohan, if you ever liked her.
- When your friends tell you to stop talking about McFLY, you start to sing Don't Stop Me Now.
- You make new friends, weekly, on McFLY fansites.
- Everything someone says reminds you of a McFLY interview/song.
- You sometimes sit and wonder what's so darn addicting about them.
- You think that you'll never find better men than these four crazy guys and sad that you'll never be satisfied with your future relationships because you'll be comparing them to McFLY.
- You can't focus on anything else when you hear their music playing.
- You have totally fallen in love with England in general.
- Every after thought is about McFLY.
- You felt like there was some subliminal messages implanted in their songs.
-When a school project on the UK comes up, YOU HAVE to do a LONG piece on them.
-You add 'Mc' to the beginning of everything.
- You played Call of Duty just to see if it was really life changing.
- When England is one of the answers on a multiple choice test and it makes you smile.
- When you're reading a book and one of the character's last names is Bolton, and you spend like 5 minutes laughing about it.
- You wondered what Dougie meant in the McFLY email/newsletter when he said that "the DVD of Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure is the most amazing thing your eyes will ever witness." In fact, your curiosity was so strong, that you ended up reading the entire book "Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure" that the DVD of the stand-up show was based on because you couldn't find the DVD of Dave's show.
- You have a hard time taking multiple choice tests because you think, "A B C or D. Well D for Danny. No D for Dougie. No Danny. No Dougie. No Danny. C for Cool. Like Tom. A for Awesome. Like Harry when he plays drums. DAMMIT. No. B for Brilliant. WHICH IS McFLY!"
- You get overexcited when you hear a Bolton accent.
- You play McFLY songs on your guitar.
- You write "McFLY", their song lyrics and stuff on your notebooks and on your hands.
- Your computer is full with McFLY pictures, videos and songs.
- When someone asks what your favourite male name is you say "Harry, Tom, Danny or Dougie".
- You watched the movie "Night At The Museum" to see if you could hear McFLY's Friday Night.
- You copy McFLY quotes and put them on your wall.
- The song Hero means more than the Enrique Iglesias version.
- When you write school assignments in British slang.
- When you listen to McFLY so much that when Bubblewrap comes on, when Danny sings the line "was I just another ghost in your bed" your mum bursts out saying "IT'S JUST SO SAD!"
- When you hear your mum humming Transylvania... the funny thing is, you haven't listened to it in 2 days.
- When you make your friends like them and each likes one member and then you call each other by their last names.
- When you find look-a-likes in your town. Even if they look like the member just a tad.
- When you try to convince your mum that you want to save up money to fly to England if that is what it will take to see them.
- When you realize that you have over 400 pictures of McFLY from various different websites and you keep on finding more!
- When you join about every web page known to man that involves McFLY in the slightest bit.
- When everything you say can be linked to a McFLY song, which in turn makes you start to sing it. (ANYWHERE)
- When you want to cry because you can't meet them and you feel like it will never happen.
- You watch so many youtube videos that you start to speak with a british accent (or wonder why no one else is)
- When you can't concentrate in class cause your pre-occupied with humming their songs
- When you pay extra attention to the British part of your History cause indeed it is the most intresting
- You start drawing stars above all your "c"s.
- When you read through this list and think it's normal to agree with them all
- When you flip anytime you see a mini cooper especially an electric blue one
- When you want your first tattoo to be identical to Dougie's
- When you compare gys to mcfly and realise that nobody can look as damn sexy as them
- When, you think McFly is a lifestyle and not an obsession
- Something funny happens you feel the need to shout "Waaaayyy!"
- You call people a sexist beast when they say "the woman" or "the girl"
- Playing Twister you can't help but say "Left hip blue!"
- You know that the word "gurge" is most definitely in the dictionary
- Tom is the reason you hate bananas
- Before every meal you say "LET'S FEAST LIKE KINGS!
- You know that the word is not "robbed" it's "burgled"
- When your maths teacher puts D.P. for decimal place you go crazy
- Every thing that you say and write has to do with McFly, and you don't notice it any more.
- You put 5 different coloured streaks in your hair, get your lip pierced and get a tattoo on your lower back]

"Do I look like someone who'd be into flowers?!?!?!" ~ Dougie Poynter

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stuff to kill time with...

Does the internet seem to be getting boring? Some ideas...
1) Go youtubing. I do that for my favourite bands McFLY (Trust me, super funny guys, kills a lot of time), Son Of Dork etc. etc.
2) Go onto . One of the best sites ever made. Read stories, do quizzes. Kill time. Talking about stories, my friend's writing one. Check it out:
3) Stalk someone. Yeah, that's the other use for And since so many celebs are there(Like ALL the members of McFLY, Blink-182, You Me At Six, Tony Hawk etc. etc), its quite cool!
Sorry, ego got the better of me!

"Being a woman sucks...back in them days, but now it's cool" ~ Dougie Poynter (McFLY)

First post

Yeah Post,you should be honoured to be my first post. What's all this about?
Soo...this is just gonna be a blog about me (surprise!)and my interests. It's probably gonna end up being mostly about music.
Okk, so where else am i?
XXStarXXGirlXX on Quizilla
allisong135 on Youtube

Those links up there are the links for the McFLY videos I made. Kinda like a series...

Lala..well, what else? Gonna be back later with more!

"That's right...never attack anyone that shits on themselves..." ~ Tom DeLonge